Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Possum Song (Reminds Me of Someone I Know)

Being stupid and ugly will get you no mercy
Even though you were born that way.
You walk with a waddle,
And snarl when you're startled,
And your hair is drab off-white and gray.

Being a loner with nocturnal musings
Is not such a swell way to go.
Sometimes our paths, though, are not of our choosing,
Which reminds me of someone I know.

The kindness of strangers is highly unlikely
When you look like a gigantic rat.
Instead of a handout
You're forthwithly ran out
By a guy with a baseball bat.

Being a loner with nocturnal musings
Is not such a swell way to go.
Sometimes our paths, though, are not of our choosing,
Which reminds me of someone I know.

And so you get cagey and hide in the daylight
And start sniffing around in the night.
And then for your trouble
You're smacked with a shovel.
We opossums had better hang tight.

Being a loner with nocturnal musings
Is not such a swell way to go.
Sometimes our paths, though, are not of our choosing,
Which reminds me of someone I know.

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