Sunday, August 13, 2006

Novel Progress 3

I have a bit more than 37,000 words of rough draft, so my pace has fallen off some. It's not that I'm blocked; I've just been tired lately, and my concentration is off. On the bright side, I still like what I've been writing. To be this far along and still like it is a record for me. I've also been doing some editing as I write. I find that is a good warm-up before I start writing new stuff. Everything but today's output has had at least one revision.

I intend to post the novel to the Web, but I'm debating with myself whether I should start posting it as a serial before I get it finished. On the pro side, it would help keep me inspired to get it finished, and a lot of Web novels are done that way for that reason. On the con side, it makes it harder to revise, and I would be posting a draft rather than the finished manuscript. And what happens if I don't finish? A large number of unfinished novels lurk on the Web. It is frustrating to read the start of one, like it, await the next chapter, and eventually realize it is never going to come.

Technorati tags: novel writing, writing

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